Great again?

keith africa
2 min readApr 4, 2023

politicians sign up for the rollercoaster ride of public approval. DIstrict Attorney Bragg came into office with a revolutionary memo that mandated a change in how we look at justice. But he didn’t have the political capital and other NY politicians didn’t have the courage to have his back. Our savvy but dishonest governor (hochul) threatened to disarm him. And now he indicts the greatest embodiment of who America really is, Trump. And while denigrated on the right, he’s being celebrated on the left. I have no dog in the fight between the left and right, but I do admire DA Bragg for doing the one thing you rarely see politicians do- keep his word. And so I wish him success through the storms because he keeps his word. The DA’s office is exponentially a better place because of him.

But, I also offer caution. This Trump stuff is America’s business. Black people becoming interested in America’s business has historically ended bad. Negroes interested in saving America have a death wish because America’s destiny is tied to its seeds. This inevitable strangulation at the hands of capital is not a black person’s cross to bear- unless they sign up for it. But black people are not the proverbial Christ that can act as the sacrificial lamb for a culture that does not value anything but capital.

I’d like to think that all this land and wealth that our ancestors built was part of a design that we could enjoy. But, having kids has taught me that breaking generational curses is far more important than amassing generational wealth.

I write all that to say, Trump being arrested is something to celebrate if you think the goal of the American criminal justice system is indeed, justice. But if you’re close enough to see it for what it is, the American criminal justice performing arts society is offensive to your sensibilities. This is no longer entertaining.

And as the lines get clearer, I hope true believing black folks find each other and a value system much more meaningful for humanity. Seeing Trump arrested might make some feel a sense of justice, but it won’t make America great again.

